
All roads lead to ROMAntism | ARCADE DUO

The cost of the event
6.20 - 11.20
Event date
2024-07-30 19:00 To 20:30


Karolina Beinarytė-Palekauskienė (violin)
Daiva Stulgytė-Povilaitienė (piano)

In the program Ottorino Respighi, Antonin Dvořák, Erich Wolfgang Korngold

ARKADA DUO - violinist Karolina Beinarytė-Palekauskienė and pianist Daiva Stulgytė - have been playing together for four years. During that time, the ensemble performed a lot, prepared three concert programs. This, the fourth program, is called "All roads lead to ROMANTISM". It focuses on the 19th and 20th centuries. junction, when many new directions and styles appear in music. The program will include music in the styles of Romanticism, Impressionism, as well as the music of the rarely performed author Erich Wolfgang Korngold, whose style is difficult to describe in one word. The work of the author who lived in the USA intertwines various styles, it is very theatrical and colorful.