Dalia Kuznetsovaitė (violin),
David Gering (cello),
Petras Geniušas (piano).
In the program: works by Frederic Mompou, Arnold Schönberg, Johannes Brahms.
"Grand Trio Vilnius" - cellist and conductor Dadvidas Geringas, pianist Petras Geniušas and violinist Dalia Kuznecovaitė, principal of the Vilnius State Quartet - started making music together in 2021. The trio pays special attention to opus that are rarely heard in Lithuania and abroad. in 2022 the group recorded both sextets of Johannes Brahms (reworked by T. Kirchner for a piano trio), organized several concerts in which the works of Anatolijus Šenderovs, Broniaus Kutavičius, Faustos Latėnas and other Lithuanian composers sounded. The ensemble's next plans include concerts in concert halls in Lithuania, Germany, and Italy.