Spring has two beautiful dates when talking about feelings suddenly becomes legal and commendable. The first such day falls on us in mid-February, on Valentine's Day. All the songs, all the speeches on that day are about love. What it is, what it is not, what we wanted, and what we got. For this occasion, I am preparing a concert for you "This is how love works". .
How does it work? Well, love can work smoothly, or it can work in a chaotic manner. Some people's love works loudly, others' - barely audible. I knew someone whose love worked so quietly that others didn't even realize that it was connected at all. Then there are people whose love is a whole chain of short circuits.
For love to work successfully, several conditions must be met. Optimal voltage must be supplied - optimal means neither too high nor too low. The motor must be lubricated, the temperature and storage conditions must be in accordance with the instructions. Oh, no one gave instructions? Then you will have to rely on general education. Or come to a concert.
Well, the second day of spring, when you can open your heart, is Women's Day. Here, we are talking about the mystery, beauty, and eternal question of women - what do they want, after all?
I know what women want, so I have a concert for today - it will also be called "This is how love works", because - how unexpected! - women want love. Like the rest of humanity. Since I have just answered the main question, it remains only to discuss a few dozen essential nuances of how to give that love, how much exactly it is needed, how to care for it and grow it. I invite everyone to whom these questions are relevant.
As always, I feel obligated to reassure you - yes, it's okay to come to the February 14th concert alone. Yes, it's okay to come to the March 8th concert without women. Even the best of us need breaks - to avoid burnout.
Well, to those who will come in pairs, I wish you good contact and see you soon!