
Lecture "Forgotten names: church decorator Adam King and his family"

free of charge
Event date
2024-06-19 17:00 To 18:00


Lecturer dr. Skirmantė Smilingytė-Žeimienė
Suwalki master Adomas Karalius (1854-1946), who created the equipment in the neo-gothic church in Birštonas, was the most famous of the 19th century. late 20th century p. a craftsman of altars and church equipment in southwestern Lithuania. For the first time, the wider context of his work will be presented to the public: his stylistics in Lithuanian and Polish churches.
The contribution of A. Karalias and his sons Kazimer and Vytautas to the development of the craft school in interwar Lithuania will be revealed.
Visiting the museum and the lecture are free.