
Movie comedy "When the soles are burning"

The cost of the event
Event date
2025-03-14 19:00 To 20:30


Law enforcers Terry (Alexander Skarsgård) and Bob (Michael Peña) respect their own well-being more than the law. Wolves in sheep's clothing - that's the best description for a pair of corrupt cops.
New Mexico has never been peaceful, but when they protect the city's peace, chaos ensues. The guys are cynical and wicked - they cheat people, rob them, blackmail criminals, and do anything that could land them behind bars.
But one day, the couple, who are unpunished and unstoppable, attack the wrong person. They find themselves facing a new victim – a criminal who turns out to be even more dangerous than themselves. That's when the men start to get their feet wet!

Event location: Cinema Hall (Building A).