
Musical performance “Two on the roof”

The cost of the event
19.00 - 29.00
Event date
2024-11-30 19:00 To 20:30


Mantas Jankavičius returns to the theater stage - he will play in the drama produced by D. Kazlauskas.

After a long break, actor and singer Mantas Jankavičius returns to the theater stage. As he says, he returns as part of a "success duo" - Mantas will play the main role in the musical performance "Two on the Roof" by actor, director and long-time friend Dainius Kazlauskas.

In the romantic drama "Dviese ant stogo" full of comic situations, Mantas will play the main role together with actress Adele Šuminskaite. The play, based on the American writer W. Gibson's play "On Two Swings", will tell the story of the impossible love, longing and expectations of two young people, and will remind us of timeless values. Original music is also being created for the play.

The director of the play, Dainius Kazlauskas, says that there really aren't many interesting and at the same time exciting stories, but the play "Dviese sūpuoklės" is one of them.

"When I first read this play, it really shook me. I wanted to touch it for a long time, I kept failing, but finally I sat down and rewrote it. Today, the play is completely different, only a fable remains, but the miracle and paradox is that after rewriting the play to these days, it has not changed at all, - says Dainius Kazlauskas. - I am curious to see how the play will work in today's context, at the same time I feel an interesting professional interest - to see if it will be possible to get the feeling that I myself experienced 30 years ago, when I first took "On Two Swings" in my hands."

Mantas says that he and director Dainius Kazlauskas have known each other for many years, but their closer friendship began after the film "Tadas Blinda. Start" at the movie site, where they acted together.

"After this film, Dainius offered me a role in the play "Free Butterflies", which eventually became incredibly successful and ran for almost 8 years. Therefore, this choice to work together was not accidental - I would call us a "success duo", says Mantas. - With Dainius, I could go to the edge of the world, to intelligence, and everywhere else. I believe in him and I believe in the success of this new performance."

The actor and singer admits that the theater genre is dear and close to him, he himself is a frequent visitor to the performances, and the dark and unusual space allows him to be with himself, to identify with the characters, and leads to the consideration of existential questions, which is very important and necessary.

"I love the theater and I am happy that I have the trust of talented directors. Sometimes it's fun to change your profile, take a break from concert activities, meet and create a relationship with the audience in a different way - theater. A wonderful premiere awaits this fall and I am happy to be a part of it," says Mantas.