
Nijolė Narmontaitė with the live band "About love seriously and playfully"

The cost of the event
24.59 - 27.59
Event date
2024-11-22 19:00 To 20:30


This time, the program "About love seriously and playfully" will not only feature songs, poetry, funny stories, but we will also take you through the labyrinths of Nijolė Narmontaitė's latest book "Actors, directors and 77 recipes for happiness". And the lucky ones will also be rewarded.

A live band will play with her on stage:
Accordion - Andrius Balachovičius
Keyboards - Kastytis Žukauskas
Double bass - Ar Man Isojan
Batsmen - Žydrūnas Mockūnas
We will wait for you!