
Pazaislis music festival "Summer night with music"

The cost of the event
Event date
2024-07-13 19:00 To 20:30


Kaunas String Quartet: K. Beinarytė-Palekauskienė (1st violin), A. Mikutytė (2nd violin), E. Lapinskė (viola) and K. Šerpytis (cello).

Soloist – I. Petrauskaitė (piano).

The program will include the music of G. Kuprevičius, R. Schumann and Ernst von Dohnányi.

The chamber music program bubbling with feelings, emotions and passions was prepared by one of the most important classical music ensembles in Kaunas – the Kaunas String Quartet and pianist Indrė Petrauskaitė, a graduate of the London Royal Academy of Music who currently resides in Great Britain and returns to her homeland for concerts.
Giedrius Kuprevičius, one of the most productive and well-known Lithuanian composers, laureate of the Lithuanian National Culture and Art Prize, celebrates his 80th birthday this year. This creator is an extremely versatile personality: composer, pedagogue, essayist and polemicist. The composer himself wrote about the work for the quartet "Summer Nights with Naujalius": "You always want to lean on more solid creative figures with the hope that you will become more solid yourself. Driven by such noble goals, I approached Juozas Naujalis, who is not my favorite anyway. Summer nights always inspire adventures. Mine, connected with a look at Naujalis' sentimental melody "Tylios melanos zasvesny kytys...", became a piece for string quartet, later - a version for chamber orchestra. <…> Music, which has as much irony as respect for the Patriarch, is like a game that separates the feeling from the mind."
German composer Robert Schumann's (1810-1856) First String Quartet, like many of his other opuses, is named after the love of the composer's life, the composer and pianist Clara Schumann. All three quartets from this opus were first performed as a 23rd birthday present for Clara in 1842. September 13 Although R. Schumann's string quartets are less frequently performed in concert programs than other popular opus of this genre, they speak of the composer's intensive chamber music studies and his unique imagination and mastery.
The concert will be crowned by one of the most prominent artists of the 20th century. the personalities of the first half, the Hungarian composer Ernst von Dohnányi's Piano Quintet in C minor. Although it was the composer's first published opus, it was very well received by the public, and Johannes Brahms himself, according to contemporaries, said: "I could not have created a better one myself." This opus was written in the romantic spirit of R. Schumann and J. Brahms, but with an individual and Dohnan's distinctive musical feeling. Dramatic and sensual music intertwines with lyrical moments, and the work is crowned with a bright and hopeful mood, which triumphantly ends this youthful opus.