The presentation of LRT journalist Živilė Kropaitė-Basiulė's book "#fainiausia pasauly močiutė: granddaughter asks about wars and conscience" will take place in Birštonas Kurhaus, where LRT journalist Aistė Plaipaitė will also participate and perform her original songs.
Ž. The beginning of Kropaitė-Basiulė's book about her grandmother, partisan liaison and political prisoner Ona Butrimaitė-Laurinienė is in her Facebook posts. On the #fainiausiapasaulymočiutė page, the journalist shared and continues to share fragments of dialogues full of grandmother's wisdom and humor. Živilė heard about the special regime camp in Taishet, Irkutsk region, exile and the death prison in Krasnoyarsk from a young age, as a student she edited the notes of her grandmother's memoirs until it was time to put everything into a book. Grandmother's life story Ž. Kropaitė-Basiulė tells from the perspective of a person who grew up in independent Lithuania.
"This is the truest Highland epic - many real stories, lyricism and humor. But the most important thing is that thanks to grandmother Ona and her granddaughter Živilė, the horrors of the 20th century are painfully familiar. the middle Lithuanian past does not remain suppressed in accounts of suffering or revenge - in the age of our little misfortunes, that past speaks of unbreakable humanity, optimism and unadulterated patriotism," states historian Norbertas Černiauskas.
Journalist Aistė Plaipaitė will play music at the event, whose grandfather Pranas Plaipa was convicted for writing and distributing anti-Soviet statements and sent to prison in Inta. So we are waiting for a tense discourse meeting with LRT journalists about wars, humanity, the power of humor, faith, modern realities in the context of Soviet memories. We kindly invite you.