
Presentation of the historical novel "War Letters"

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The book "War Letters" takes us to a little-studied era of Lithuanian history, the end of the 17th century - 1655, "when the state was flooded by enemies like a biblical flood, when it seemed that everything was lost. It seemed that way, but it was not. It is a real miracle that the strength was found to resist and drive away the enemies. This is a very important and heroic period," states V. Savukynas, journalist and television host.

Prof. Dr. T. Kačerauskas received his higher education at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and works as the Head of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Creative Industries at VILNIUS TECH.

He has written numerous scientific articles and lectured at universities in Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Colombia, and other countries.

A conversation with my colleague Prof. Dr. Vytis Valatka about the war of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with Moscow in the mid-17th century described in the book is both relevant and useful in the current geopolitical situation.