
The book "Mikropolis. Crazy Adventures of Bacteria in a Human World” presentation and education/lab workshop

free of charge
Event date
2024-10-11 17:30 To 19:00


We invite you on October 11. on Friday at 5:30 p.m. to a meeting with writer, scientist Urte Starkevič and artist, graphic designer Simons Kvintas, who, presenting the book "Mikropolis. "Crazy Adventures of Bacteria in a Human World" will introduce you to the home of microorganisms and introduce them in an education/laboratory workshop.

Urtė Starkevič, a biologist scientist, wrote the book "Mikropolis", as she claims, while putting her two children to sleep. The laboratory of her life includes education, family responsibilities, creativity, and science. "I adore science," says Urtė, "it inspires me." And what about the insanely beautiful bacterial eyes staring back at me!”

"Micropolis" is teeming with all kinds of microbes, hundreds, thousands, millions of staphylococci, clostridia, lactic acid bacteria - you can't count them all. They were skillfully hidden in the book by the artist S. Kvintas, with whom we will explore their lives together.

We will find out what the city-state of small miniatures, Micropolis, is like. Yes, a city-state, because that's what "polis" means in Greek. It is also home to the strangest scientific words. The dolls are very fun and crazy.

See you on beautiful October 11. on Friday and let's join them.

The project "I create - I mean I am" is financed by the Lithuanian Culture Council and the municipality of Birštonas.