
The Christian Church of Christ the King: the architectural legacy of priest Jonas Reitelaitis (1884–1966)

free of charge
Event date
2024-04-17 17:00 To 18:00


Mgr. Silvija Slaminskienė will give a presentation "The Church of Christ the King commemorating an exceptional personality: the architectural legacy of priest Jonas Reitelaitis (1884-1966)".
In autumn we will celebrate Fr. The 140th anniversary of the birth of J. Reitelaitis, so we invite you to get to know the distinguished clergyman, who in the interwar period was the creator of Krikštonii town, designed and with the help of parishioners built the Christ the King church in seven years. The clergyman wrote and published monographs of four parishes, was the author of articles about the pioneers of Lithuanian literature: K. Donelaitis, S. Rapalionis, S. Slavočinskis, M. Daukša, A. Kulvietis.
Many of his manuscripts are still kept in the repositories of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius University and the National Martynas Mažvydas Library. It is interesting that the scientific material of priest Jonas Reitelaitis was classified in Soviet Lithuania. This person is really interesting, because he did not only pastoral work, but also taught weaving, sewing clothes, and advised patients on treatment issues. This lecture will reveal the priest's architectural decisions.
The lecture is free and is part of the 2024 of the Project "Public lecture series "Known - unknown personalities who created Lithuanian culture", which is partially financed by the Lithuanian Council of Culture.