
The DreamWorks Show

The cost of the event
15.00 - 25.00
Event date
2024-11-29 20:30 To 23:00


"Our dreams are our work, which we have to do well in order to last."
/from the play/

Nothing ends well or badly. The point of the best Buddhist stories is to leave the story open to change from anywhere in the story. The decisions and behavior of the characters in these stories are seen as more coincidences or accidents, but not fate. There is no beginning and no end. Life is a work of illusion that never ends.
This is how Russian playwright Ivan Vyrypayev tells his stories, followed by director Agnius Jankevičius, sarcastically reminding our Catholic tension: "Chill! Calm down!”
"Vyrypayev's characters do nothing but search for a place to start again, to start from the beginning. They go back to their first meeting, to their birth, to create another chance for themselves," says the director. Domestic situations, friends' jokes, a bit of crime - such a superficial action accompanies the main character's conversation with his dead wife.
According to Ivan Vyrypayev, DreamWorks is simply a love story. It seems to Agnis Jankevičiis that the author is more interested in getting people used to the idea that it is no longer important what has already happened - the only important thing is how you would like to continue your story and from where. There are no fatal mistakes, someone else's fault or fate. Life's misfortunes, mind-numbing anger or stupid behavior become here a chance to look at everything differently.
According to the director, Ivan Vyrypayev's texts have a stage paradox. "His style of speech is terribly mathematical. Like a presentation at a symposium, like a declaration of a mathematical law. The most difficult task for actors working with his texts is not to report, not to act, but to tell." Agnis Jankevičiis wants to create a situation where there is less theater and more intimacy between the narrator and the listener - where all you have to do is listen to stories.
Four actors - Aleksandras Kleinas, Lena Orlova, Goda Piktytė and Marcelė Zikaraitė - tell a story that resembles a recurring dream. It will never end until each of us creates our own continuation of the story. Stage concept (ten characters and four actors), scenography and direction by Agniaus Jankevičiaus.

Ivan Vyrypayev (b. 1974) is a Russian playwright, film and theater director, screenwriter, one of the most interesting creators of contemporary Russian theater.
in 1995 graduated from the Irkutsk Theater School, worked as an actor in Magadan and Kamchatka. in 1998 He founded his first theater studio "Play Space" in Irkutsk. 1999-2001 taught acting skills to Irkutsk students. 2006-2007 worked as an art director at the "Praktika" theater.
Ivan Vyrypajevas is the founder of the creative projects agency "Judēmais DEGUONIS". The agency seeks to discover new talents and supports young theater creators. in 2003 Ivan Vyrypayev's debut performance "Oxygen" became the business card of the new Russian theater. Over the past year, Ivan Vyrypaev established himself not only in the modern Russian theater, but also in the cinema.
in 2012 In autumn, Ivan Vyrypaev presented his film "Dance in Delhi" at the Rome International Film Festival. The author of the film script also rewrote the play for the theater, which was performed in Lithuania in 2014. the first one was built by the VDU Theater (translated from Russian by special order for the VDU Theater by Rolandas Rastauskas).
in 2017 director Agnius Jankevičius won the "Fortūnas" statuette for directing the play "DREAMWORKS".

Director: Agnius JANKEVIČIUS
Author(s): Ivan VYRYPAJEV
Actors: Aleksandras KLEINAS, Jelena ORLOVA, Goda PIKTYTĖ, Marcelė ZIKARAITĖ
Costumes: Diana KUZMICKAITĖ
Translated from Russian: Rolandas RASTAUSKAS
Producer: Theater "Mens publica"
Co-producers: VDU Theater and Kaunas City Chamber Theatre