
Traveling around the world first-hand

free of charge
Event date
2025-03-26 17:00 To 18:00


We kindly invite you to a meeting with traveler Tomas Utka on March 26 (Wednesday) at 5:00 PM, where we will listen to impressions from many countries around the world: Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, etc.

“Now I want to see the world.” – says the traveler T. Utka and in winters he goes somewhere warm, to any country that interests him, he spends months on his bike, sometimes, for pleasure, he rides the train and rides every day – about 60 km., without rushing anywhere and without planning a route in advance. He arranges himself by visiting some country. In the summers he earns money and invests it in trips, which are his lifestyle and hobby. Without comfort, luxury, without a precise plan in advance. He flies by bike to where his heart calls, free, independent and always alone.

Loneliness, says T. Utka, does not torment him. In all countries, people are good and kind, he talks to them, observes their everyday life, splendor and poverty, culture and customs - he records everything, covering as much as possible. The desire to know, experience, see the diversity and variegation of the world overcomes fatigue, it is also a certain way of relaxation. People everywhere warmly welcome a lonely tourist, everywhere locals are happy to take pictures with him, help, and are benevolent.

T. Utka has seen, known, and talked to thousands of faces, and has traveled to Asian, European, and American countries. What impressions does a traveler bring back to Lithuania? What disappoints or fascinates him the most? How does he see Lithuania in the context of other countries?

We invite you to a pleasant meeting with T. Utka. A one-night journey around the world will be fascinating and impressive. A journey through time.