

The cost of the event
6.20 - 11.20
Event date
2024-08-03 19:00 To 20:30


Francesco BRUNO (flute, Italy), Victoria Maria ZABRODAITĖ (flute)
Nijolė BARANAUSKAITĖ (piano)

In the program F. Kuhlau, F. Doppler, G. Verdi, B. Herman, L. Arditi, G. Bizet, L. Delibes, L. Denza, J. Straus

Francesco BRUNO performs solo, in various ensembles and with orchestras in the most important Italian concert halls (Milan, Naples, Palermo, Pisa, Calabria, Catania, Messina, etc.) as well as abroad - in Poland, Turkey, Greece. The flutist organizes master classes in private associations and public institutions. He is the founder and director of the flute orchestra "Afflatus" and the Sicilian flute orchestra "Triscele". in 2019 he was awarded the Syracuse Corrado Maranci Music Award as the best Sicilian classical artist of the year.

Flutist Viktorija Marija ZABRODAITĖ is a concert performer and an excellent teacher (she works at the Vilnius Karoliniški Music School and the Vilnius Juoz Tallat-Kelpšas Conservatory). The performer appears with ensembles of various compositions, and her concert tours lead around Lithuania and far beyond its borders. The flutist's stage partners: Kęstutis Grybauskas Piano Quartet, Čiurlionis Quartet, famous Lithuanian and German pianists, organists and singers. The flutist has held flute master classes in Italy more than once. From 2021 performs with F. Bruno and N. Baranauskaite.

Pianist Nijolė BARANAUSKAITĖ is an excellent concertmaster who performs with singers and instrumentalists. He also prepares solo programs. Laureate of international competitions, repeatedly awarded diplomas as the best concertmaster of competitions.

Nijolė is a pianist who "peels out" the most complex scores, enchanting her own manner of playing, elegance, skillfully extracting a whole palette of the most wonderful sound colors from the piano, able to present an individual interpretation every time, not departing from the soloist's proposal and as if merging into one whole. So it is no coincidence that the performer is one of the most sought-after concertmasters, who collaborates with famous Lithuanian singers and instrumentalists, among whom are constant stage partners opera soloists Joana Gedmintaitė, Julija Stupnianek, Agnė Stančikaitė, Aistė Pilibavičiūtė, flutist Viktorija Zabrodaitė, violinist Irma Belickaitė.

Nijolė Baranauskaitė also prepares solo programs, teaches at LMTA.