
Vacationers want to sort in Biršton!

free of charge
Event date
2024-07-24 13:00 To 15:00


Birštonas residents and city guests on July 24. from 13:00 to 15:00 you are invited to visit S. Darius and S. Girėno str. The 24th educational event "Vacationers want to sort!" organized by the packaging waste management organization "Žaliasis taškas".

There will be enough meaningful activities for everyone! Guests of the event will be invited to check their sorting knowledge and expand it, participate in sorting tournaments, while the little guests will be treated to games made from secondary raw materials and "Green Dot" prizes.

Vacationers want to sort! And to make it easy, during the event "Green Dot" will present special packaging waste sorting bags to all accommodation service providers who express their desire and will invite them to give Birštonas resort guests the opportunity to manage waste responsibly.

If it is not possible to come to the event on that day, free sorting bags can be picked up until the end of summer at the Birštonas tourism and information center, B. Sruogos str. 4 (limited quantities).