
What and how to plan so that there is enough time for both business and life?

free of charge
Event date
2024-06-06 13:00 To 15:00


We invite you to the seminar "What and how to plan so that there is enough time for both business and life?" for small businesses.
During the event, we will discuss the principles of effective time planning, which will help you not only better organize work processes, but also find time for rest and personal life. We will learn how to balance the needs of work and personal life so that we can work efficiently and enjoy a fulfilling life.
During the event, you will find answers to why time planning is one of the most important skills of an entrepreneur. You will learn practical strategies for time management. How can the "less is more" principle help you work better and rest better?
Lecturer Birutė Velykienė, Tech-Park Kaunas project expert, coach and NLP trainer, with over 20 years of management and consulting experience, will lead the training.
The event is free, registration is required
This event is part of the series of informational events "What skills are necessary for a business developer?"