
XIX Readings by S. Moravski "Stanislaus Moravski and the World of Freemasons"

free of charge
Event date
2024-07-19 17:00 To 18:30


Doctor and writer Stanislovas Moravskis (1802-1853), who lived and worked right next door to Biršton, in the Ustroń estate (now Jundeliškės), never ceases to amaze us with his versatile abilities, which also give us the opportunity to talk about the most colorful topics - from science and patriotism to music and flowers . It is time to look at the relationship between Moravian and Freemasonry.
The writer knew many of the most famous Lithuanian (and not only) freemasons, described their biographies (for example, last year we were able to listen to the biographical outline of one of the most famous masons of that time, artist Juozap Oleškevičius, Moravski's friend, translated into Lithuanian by Dr. Reda Griškaitė for the first time), and in the work From Merkina to Kaunas. The hermit's haven and Moravski himself partially admitted to belonging to this mysterious society. In the world of science, Moravskis is also famous for the fact that he was the only one to describe the funeral of a freemason, namely the bishop of Vilnius Mykolas Dluskis (1760–1821).
The purpose of the event is to expand the cognitive experiences of fans of Moravski's work, to help them understand the diversity of the world and to be able to accept the "different". Because the elite of that time lived a so-called double life - public, external and secret, not visible to everyone, but no less important than the first one (in the case of Lithuania, the duality was also determined by the political status of a free country). All this will be reported in the report "Brother Masons: a few years of freemasonry in the 19th century". in Lithuania" will be told by the deputy director of the Lithuanian National Museum - the chief curator of the museum's collections, dr. Marched Being. The second goal of the event is to reveal the attitude of the general public (people) to this one of the oldest brotherhoods, bound by the principle of secrecy and oath, fostering philanthropic goals, but mysterious and therefore covered in myths and legends. The senior researcher of the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore Dr. Dr. Radvilė Racėnaitė.
Actor Andrius Bialobžeskis will read several fragments from Moravski's works "Keleri mano jaunystės metai in Vilnius" and "From Merkinės to Kaunas" (translated into Lithuanian by Reda Griškaitė).
At the end of the event, patron Rimvydas Baranauskas will show a masonic document stored in his personal collection, related to the great Lithuanian masonic lodge in Vilnius "Tobula vienybė" (1784), and dr. Žygintas Búchys will comment on it.
The event will be hosted by architectural historian, architect dr. Marius Daraškevičius, who will demonstrate live the masonic apron sewn and embroidered especially for this event. As every year, there will be good music. This time we will leave the stage to pianist Rūta Blaškyta and mezzo-soprano Rita Preikšaita.
Before the readings, we invite you to visit the eternal resting place of the Hermit of Ustronea - the Nemajunai cemetery chapel.