
Hunting for dukes along the paths of the Birštonas manor

education / cultural passport

Accompanied by a tour leader, historian-pedagogue, guide, schoolchildren go on the trails of Birštonas resort in the only ecological electric cars in the Baltics: Žvērinčiaus forest, Vytautas park and mound, Škėvonių ridge with the highest observation tower in Lithuania. Since 1413, all the most famous LDK kings, Grand Dukes and their ladies have passed through them.

While driving, with the help of an audio guide, schoolchildren according to age are given a lesson in the history of the Royal Hunting and Recreation Manor: how the entertainment of the hunting manor in the Middle Ages in Europe was organized for economic reasons and what title persons participated in the Birštonas hunts: how King Jogaila and Grand Duke Vytautas hunted for months, used to discuss political issues; as in the 15th-16th centuries the great Birštonas forest was protected, maintained and inherited.
After stopping at the most important historical recreation facilities, students are involved in practical tasks: climbing the Vytautas mound; sports test of endurance in the hunting grounds in the Žvērinčius forest, Birštonas girios, dating back to 1422. An overview of the Black Peace Treaty, the expanses, after climbing the highest tower in Lithuania.

Duration - 2 hours.
Price – 11 Eur per person. The price may vary depending on the size of the group or occupancy.
A group of at least 10 people, individual orders are possible.

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