
In the footsteps of Blessed Teofilius Matulionis


Birštona in 1957 December 25 Blessed Archbishop Teofilius Matulionis left a deep mark.

Living in 1956-1958 in the Birštonas rectory, ruled the Kaišiadori diocese. In the museum building, where there was a room chapel, he secretly consecrated canon Vincent Sladkevičius as a bishop.
An educational activity with abundant iconographic material will tell about the many experiences of the blessed: from imprisonment in Russian prisons, where he was a witness of living faith, to Teofilius' birthplace in the Molėtai region or studying at Daugavpils gymnasium. Through events and stories, you will get to know the personality, spirituality and values of Teofilius Matulionis, the patron saint of Lithuania.
The museologist can come to conduct the session in your parish, school, community or remotely.

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