
Harmony Birštonas

restaurant / degustation / animal friendly

Those who like to discover new flavors will soon be able to add another special place to the map of Lithuanian gastronomy - the restaurant "Harmony Birštonas" located in the very center of Birštonas. His kitchen will be managed by chef Mantas Ružionis, who has gained work experience in restaurants in various European countries and considers himself a representative of modern European cuisine. The new restaurant will be part of a cozy boutique-style hotel.
The cuisine of the Harmony Birštonas restaurant will be seasonal, and according to M. Ružionis, it also encourages the chef and his team not to stay in the comfort zone, to experiment and search for new tastes. In this way, the restaurant can be both competitive and interesting for guests. The success of the restaurant is also determined by the quality of the food, so they will be carefully selected.

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