June 6-9 Birštonas invites you to the resort festival "Banguokim Birštonas"

2024/05/27 Culture

in 2024 the resort even celebrates several important anniversaries related to mineral water.

Birštonas - a resort that is blessed with natural resources, unique Nemunas loops, gushing mineral water springs, healing mud, clean air and healthy climate, invites you to enjoy the nature and entertainment of royal Birštonas.
in 2024 the resort even celebrates several important anniversaries related to mineral water: it is 145 years since the mineral water source "Viktorija" was discovered in the resort, later named after "Vytautas". Mineral water was bottled 100 years ago, "Vytautas" mineral water spring (Banginis) was flooded 65 years ago, and the oldest mineral water bottling company in Lithuania has been operating in Biršton for 60 years.
Experience the balance of cozy Birštonas, where the peace of nature, the spirit of art and the pleasures of the city!
In the program: Eugenijus Chrebtovas, Jonas Sakalauskas, Tomas Pavilionis, vocalist EGLLE, Old City Band, Sisters On Wire, Saulius Prūsaitis with groups.
Hot air balloon and jet ski championships, Igor Lobanov's acrobatic flight, Silver Crane Nights film festival, creative workshops, cultural and sports events, wellness and spa entertainment.


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