Magical St. John's Day in Biršton: traditional carnival, night climbing to the tower and fire show

2024/06/18 Culture

Welcoming midsummer - the longest day and shortest night of the year - the magical St. John's Day will be celebrated in Biršton.

The resort has combined the traditions of this holiday and unique entertainment into a rich St. John's program. June 23 music will be played here, sports events will be held, including a night-time tower climbing competition. At the street food festival, the nose will be tickled by the most delicious smells, St. John's soup will be tasted. An evening concert and a traditional campfire will invite you to celebrate the summer solstice.

"St. John's Day is one of the most beautiful summer holidays that unites families and communities. It is full of magic, traditions that encourage us to remember our roots and enjoy the most beautiful time of the year. So this year, let's celebrate them the Birštonian way - surrounded by the nature of the resort, immersing ourselves in the whirlwind of events, tasting not only our mineral water, but also a special holiday soup or meeting the shortest night by a traditional bonfire", - invites the Mayor of Birštonas Municipality Nijolė Dirginčienė to the celebration.

St. John's soup flavored with traditions

The celebration will begin with educational lectures, which will take place from noon. The perfume picnic will provide a unique opportunity to smell unique aromas and learn about national perfumery, while the traditional Lithuanian sauna art lecture will introduce the secrets of wellness. Later, visitors to the festival will be able to learn the subtleties of vibroacoustic massage and participate in the workshop of weaving St. John's wreaths.
The street food festival, which will last from noon to late evening, promises delicious moments for the hungry. Here you will be able to taste both traditional Lithuanian dishes and street food, and a special highlight of the celebration will be the tasting of St. John's soup.
The audience will be treated to an adult theater performance with a cheerful story about St. John's Day. Later, dance studio "GoDance" and vocal studio "Crazy" collectives, folk dance collectives "Jievaras", "Aguonėlė" and "Kupolė" will dance and sing on stage together with music band "Lendrūnas".
In the evening, the music will sound even louder - the groups "Allegretto Band" and "Tabasco" will perform here, as well as the charismatic Edmundas Kučinskas with well-known songs. The culmination of the celebration is an impressive fire show that tells the story of medieval love, followed by the inseparable traditions of Midsummer Night - a big Midsummer bonfire, floating wreaths and, of course, the search for a fern flower.

St. John's "from the top" or night tower climbing competition

On the day of the holiday, artisans will be busy in Biršton, and next to the hotel "Vytautas Mineral Spa" there will be a sports and active leisure area. An intensive sports program for both young and old awaits here: St. John's Day outdoor tennis tournament, beach volleyball championship, chess, basketball and beach soccer tournaments.

The climbing tower "It's fun to climb" will be waiting for lovers of heights from the morning, who are ready to test or improve their climbing skills for the first time on the renovated routes. From 10 p.m. the night climbing tower climbing competition will start here. The tower will be specially illuminated on that occasion, and participants will be able to compete in groups of different ages and abilities, including professionals, and see the Jonines resort from a height of 12 meters.

If the adrenaline is not enough, the participants of the festival will have the opportunity to fly in a hot air balloon (upon prior registration), have fun at the "Jumpout" water trampoline park, or go wakeboarding at the "Birštonos Wake" park. There will be a number of activities for children in the area: trampolines, a foam show, a mobile laser area and other entertainment will await the little ones.

St. John's Day program:

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