
Monument to Jonas Basanavičius


1918 February 16 Monument to Jonas Basanavičius, signatory of the Lithuanian Act of Independence and public figure.

The sculptures in Birštonas are from different periods. The oldest is the bust of Jonas Basanavičius, built in 1939. The construction of the monument was financed from the resort fee. The bust remained intact during the Soviet era.
The author of the sculpture Antanas Aleksandravičius was personally acquainted with Dr. J. Basanavičius. 1918 A. Aleksandravičius settled in the official apartment of the Academy of Sciences, where he met J. Basanavičius. The artist J. Basanavičius left a deep impression. Soon the artist began to create a bust of the patriarch from nature. A. Aleksandravičius has created dozens of busts, profiles and monuments of J. Basanavičius, which still adorn cities. One of such monuments is just standing in the resort of Birštonas, in the square named after J. Basanavičius.
The monument is entered in the register of cultural values, unique code 8616.

(concrete, sculptor Antanas Aleksandravičius, 1939)

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