The Japanese Ambassador visited Birštonas
During the meeting, the development of the partnership between the cities of Birštonas and Kaga (Japan) and the possibilities of further cooperation in the fields of culture, tourism, education and other areas were discussed. The leaders of the Birštonas municipality presented various initiatives and projects planned in Birštonas, aimed at improving the quality of life, promoting sustainability and strengthening community inclusion. They also welcomed the annually increasing number of tourists from Japan and the fact that Birštonas mineral water has already reached the Japanese market.
To commemorate the friendship between the cities, together with the Lithuanian Ambassador to Japan Aurelijs Zyks, it is planned to establish a Sakura Park in Birštonas. This park will become not only a symbol of togetherness, but also a cozy space for residents and guests.
At the end of His Excellency's Ambassador's mission to Lithuania, Mayor Nijolė Dirginčienė thanked the Ambassador for his significant contribution to strengthening the partnership between the cities of Birštonas and Kaga and his assistance in developing business and tourism ties.
The Ambassador's visit to Birštonas reaffirmed the importance of international cooperation. Birštonas will continue its partnership with the Embassy of Japan in Lithuania and the city of Kaga, implementing joint projects and strengthening city ties.
Birštonas Municipality information and photos
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